Your packaging is the most direct visual link you have with your customers. It is the culmination of the brand and as such is extremely important. At Q+H we have lots of experience designing packaging that stands out on shelf. But it doesn’t end there - Often your customer’s first view of the packaging will be in a press advert or online, and in this increasingly digital climate it’s really important for your product to look its best on screen. We have years of experience creating packshots of your products that look as good as they do in real life - and, more often, even better!
We have 3 main approaches to creating our packshots:
- Packshot Wrap - Digitally wrapping new artwork onto your existing packshot
- Shoot + Retouch - Photography of your pack with digital retouching, in the studio or on location
- 3D Render - Complete 3D build of your pack, ideal for new or concept packaging
Combining 3D, photography + retouching
The brief from Dolce Gusto for this packshot was to show off their newly designed espresso glass. To achieve the desired finish we combined a few different methods, including a 3D render of the glass, photography of the espresso liquid itself and digital retouching to bring the two together.

Below are a few examples of how some products arrive with us versus the packshots we are able to create using the methods above.

We are also experienced at photographing packs in a lifestyle setting for when you need to tell more of a story, eg for advertising or a social media piece.
For every packshot we carefully consider the budget available and the desired outcome so that we can provide beautiful shots at an affordable price. If you’d like to discuss your packshots with us then don't hesitate to get in touch.